Seniors do not have a second chance to make their equity.  The sales price of your property is important!  Even more important is what you get to keep!
RE/MAX Coast and Country
Donna Sormanti-Saglio,
e-PRO Certified Internet Professional
530 Stonington Rd. Ste. 101
Stonington, CT 06378
Office 860.535.9009
Toll Free  1.877.8REMAX9


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Copyright Donna Sormanti-Saglio
All rights reserved
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Seniors Real Estate Specialist

Real estate markets are humming along nicely in most parts of the country, thanks to the strong economy, favorable interest rates and the American ethic of home ownership. People in their senior years often have the bulk of their personal wealth invested in real estate. That's why it's so important to make wise decisions, whether you're selling your home, buying a replacement residence or making an investment. To better understand the unique needs of older citizens, I have completed a special educational program and earned the professional designation of SRES.  Helping seniors make wise real estate decisions has become one of my specialties. As a seniors real estate specialist, I have the necessary skills and experience to answer questions and guide you in the right direction.               

Remember... "It's Not What You Sell It For But What You Get To Keep That Counts©" 

Contact me today, you'll be glad you did!

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I'll do my best to answer you ASAP or find someone who can!

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MYTH:  My biggest risk is selling my property too soon.
REALITY:  Your biggest risk may be outliving your assets.

Dear Senior Homeowner:

If you have owned real estate for 10 years or longer, there is a report available to you that you must read. You have worked long and hard for your equity.  This Special Report for Seniors could save you literally thousands of dollars, and prepare you to use your real estate assets to their highest potential.

Today, more  than ever before, people are enjoying a longer and more active lifestyle.  The trick is to manage your savings so that it lasts as long as you do. 

In this Special Report, the 15 most asked questions by seniors are answered with examples of real life cases.  I am authorized as a qualified SENIORS Realtor, to deliver the Report to you FREE of charge!

Most of us enjoy living where we are, but occasionally unexpected events force us to review our needs and plans.  I understand and I am committed to the special needs of Senior real estate owners.

Whether you plan to sell today or in 10 years, you need the information in this Special Report now.  Call my special SENIORS message line at 1.888.366.6210. You can call anytime 24 hours a day.  Leave your name and mailing address including zipcode and I will see that a copy is rushed to you today!

Yes!  Please send me more information:
Please send to me a FREE Special Report for Seniors
Yes I would like to learn about the Senior Advantage Discount Program. 
Please mail me your Quarterly Newsletter for Seniors
"The Seniors Realtor"
Contact me today.  You will be glad you did!
Special Report
Discount Program
Quarterly Newsletter